All Remote Instructions

TV Remote

The Victorian | Common Rooms


  1. Pick up handheld remote 
  2. Look at remote and choose video source, by pressing physical hard button next to source
  3. All television access is on the “Apple TV” source via the “YoutubeTV” app
  4. Use directional pad to navigate source, if applicable
  5. To change sources, press “Main” button on handheld remote and the choose source
  6. The “Red” power button on the upper right hand of the handheld remote is ALWAYS the OFF Button 


The Victorian | Room TV

  1. Turn TV on using power button
  2. Select home button (house icon)
  3. Scroll using directional pad and select Youtube TV app and open
  4. Select account linked to Youtube TV, this is the internet of things
  5. Feel free to log onto any of your apps, we do suggest you sign out prior to departure

The Victorian | Presentations Connectivity


  1. Use handheld remote and either choose AppleTV (for Apple Devices), Chromecast (for Android Devices), Wireless Display (For Windows devices), or by pressing the page button you can choose “HDMI In” and connect to the television via a physical cable
  2. The physical HDMI cable is in a drawer in the kitchen and the physical connection is behind the door leading to the bar area
  3. Once connected to the HDMI Jack and Device, Press HDMI IN on the handheld remote once more


  • The Firefly Inn does not use remotes, the on/off switch is located on the wall at the mantel
  • The Victorian does use a remote for on/off, these are located on the mantel
  • The fireplace is on or off, there is not temperature control, although they will provide ample heat
  • Please turn off when not in use

Remote access to room and front doors

  • To enter front door of your property, please enter your code and the lock/unlock button
  • To lock front door, push lock/unlock
  • All doors at The Firefly and The Victorian will be locked by 9pm. Please use the front door only to enter after hours.
  • All doors at The Garden Cottages are your responsibility to keep locked.
  • To enter your room, enter code and the lock/unlock button.
  • To exit and lock room door, enter lock/unlock
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